She/They / Melbourne, AUS
Too much in my head, I live off the words that make it on paper.
Indian writer, based in Melbourne.
They/Them / Milwaukee, WI
I am a genderqueer multidisciplinary artist and designer from Milwaukee, WI. The majority of my creative work is derived from my own human experiences; acting as an invitation to discuss fat acceptance, mental illness, healing from trauma, gender identity, and finding the silver linings that keeps one going on the daily. I refuse to limit myself to one medium but find that quilting, use of fabric, and narrative zine story telling have been continuous creative threads that I’ve followed. My favorite things in the entire world are horror films, retro dystopian anime, tomatoes, and guinea pigs.

He/Him / Salt Lake City, UT
Tony was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on a cold December morning. He is currently on the verge of completing his BFA at the University of Utah, with an emphasis in drawing and painting. His work covers a variety of mediums such as sculpture, video, installation, and printmaking. He likes his artwork how he likes his life: queer and colorful! It is his gay artschool dream to have a creative career and never work in a cafe ever again. Tony takes great pleasure in queer empowerment/representation, noticing the little things, holding space for others to authenitically express themselves, and being entertained by what experiences life has to offer.
She/Her / Milwaukee, WI
*cover artist*
Elly Hazard is a Milwaukee based multidisciplinary artist. She specializes in colorful, edgy illustrations and product design. For the past few years she has been working under the name Peach Beast, her brand of unique jewelry and accessories. Her work is inspired by punk ideologies and colorful symbolism from the 90s and Y2K era.

They/Them / Madison, WI
I am a queer, nonbinary, Latinx, child, sibling, first generation immigrant. I was born in Pachuca, Hidalgo but grew up in Milwaukee, WI. I use my life experiences and talents to create artwork in several different mediums. Some of the art mediums include but are not limited to gouache, acrylic, and water color paint as well as digital art work. With my pieces, I capture queer, BI-POC, and undocumented immigrant families in all their every day beauty as well as their daily struggles and the injustice they meet. I hope to highlight not only these people in their times of grief, but also them living and thriving none the less.
She/Her / Oak Creek, WI
Jacqueline Modjeska is a poet from Oak Creek, Wisconsin. She graduated from UWM in December 2020 with a BA in English (Art History minor). Her work is about topics such as suburban life, capitalism, and queerness, and is inspired by such poets as Frank Bidart, Frank O'Hara, and William Carlos Williams. You can message her on Instagram for details on how to order her chapbook, Suburban Angler Fish.

She/Her / Miami, FL
When making art I tend to really focus on storytelling and characters, always looking for different ways to show different sides of a personality through scenery and character design. Alot of my pieces are narrative driven some formatted as comics and more often acrylic paintings on canvas. I tend to pursue illustration in the near future making comics and really fleshing out some stories I’ve had planned for a while now.
They/Them / Davis, CA
Maya is a fashion designer & multimedia artist based out of Davis, CA.