They/Them / Manchester, UK
I’m a writer/ cartoonist/ animator/ friendly neighbourhood cryptid ! I like making incredibly earnest, dumb art. I like spooky things, teen films, dry senses of humour and once wrote a dissertation on existentialism. I love anything that combines magical, crazy things with incredibly mundane, boring, realism. My ultimate goal is to make a graphic novel that is One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest meets Adventure Time, with a little bit of Juno and Scooby Doo.
Any Pronouns / Chicago, IL
Hello, my name is Abby and I am the creator of MothGoths! MothGoths was started in May of 2019 during my sophomore year of high school . I love using colors and creating unique pieces of jewelry with resin and bead work. I’m a Chicago native and currently a senior in high school preparing for college. I want to create pieces of work for anyone and everyone to feel happy wearing. I strive to create art that is inspired by my culture and want to share with the world!
MothGoths is a genderfluid person of color owned brand created to help people feel beautiful and comfortable while also embracing beauty in art.
All pieces are handmade by me meaning they are hand mixed, poured, painted, and sanded by hand.

She/Her / Rochester, NY
Brittany M. Reid is a mixed media collage artist based in Rochester, NY. The themes she presents ask the viewer to consider humans' complicated relationship with nature, the macrocosm vs. the microcosm, and the power of the female experience. Her work highlights not only the surreal beauty that exists within all of nature, but also how that beauty is reflected in the experience of each individual. She lets childhood memories, experiences as a queer, Black woman, and life as a mother dictate much of her work. The artist also leads the #BlackCollagesMatter movement within Instagram and has released a special edition #BlackCollagesMatter publication to showcase many artists who have participated, donating a portion of the proceeds to the Black Trans Femmes in the Arts Collective.
She/Her / Los Angeles, CA
Cheryl Stardust is a multimedia artist who finds the fun in fashion through creative (and slightly--okay, very--chaotic) interpretations of style in pop culture. She draws inspiration from her queer, Asian, femme identity and memes to challenge the restrictive nature of the fashion industry. She currently produces satirical video lookbooks of popular memes and celebrities.

They/Them / Milwaukee, WI
margot is a multidisciplinary artist and a photographer, who mainly focuses on their identity as a queer jewish immigrant, as well as their relationship with their body.
Mossy Toad Crafts Etsy Shop
They/Them / Chicago, IL
Riley is a writer, poet, and fundraiser based in Chicago, Illinois, occupying unceded land of the Kickapoo, Peoria, Potawatomi, Miami, and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ peoples. They hold a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse from DePaul University, specializing in professional writing and queer and feminist rhetorical histories. Riley is a regular contributor to Chicago Gallery News and ADF Web Magazine, aiming to uplift BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists and to challenge systems of inequity within the arts world through their writing. Recently, they have been interested in exploring new models of trans desire through creative writing.